
ヘルシンキナイフショー2012 - Helsinki Knife Show 2012



As you know, I have visited the Helsinki Knife show 1012. It was the best show so far in my opinion. Really large variations of knives and the skill level of the exhibitor are really high. I was basically dowering all 2 days, have had enough time to talk to most of exhibitors and got interesting stories and inspirations.
It is not possible to show and tell all about the show, but I have picked some of it for uploading in here.

Erik Nylundとてもハイクオリティーなプーッコを並べたこのテーブル。特に注目したのはこのハンドル。ひし形断面のこの形は驚くほど手に馴染む。自分の手にカスタムメイドした様な心地良さ。適度な場所に角があるのでホットスポットを作らずに滑り止め効果を出している。
Lots of great looking knives on the table, but the one caugh my attention most was this one. The diamond shaped knife handle was really good in hand and gives very stable traction. Felt like was custom made for my hand.

Mikko Artemyevこのショーで唯一、そして初の斧鍛冶。テーブルいっぱいに山積みされた斧・斧・斧。ロシア式の斧を中心に色々なタイプを作っているようですが、クオリティーは非常に高いです。斧頭と柄の形に注目!詳しくは映像の方で。
The only and first axe maker of this show. The table filled with axe was really eye-catchy and impressive. Main was Russian style axes but he makes all kinds of axes. And can tell the quality by looking at them. Have more view of this table on video, so pay attention to the interesting profile of axe head and helve!

Jakob & Simon Nylund若いのにすでにベテランのナイフメーカー、ニュールンド兄弟。今年は自家製ダマスカスを登場させてきました。
Super talented knife builder. This year, they have got the forge shop set up and yes, they have made homemade Damascus blade.

Mikko Inkeroinenショー前から注目していた初参加のメーカー。非常にブッシュクラフターや、プーッコ好きのツボにはまるようなプーッコを出品。話をしていてわかったのですが、この人の作品の多くは古い金やすりを材料にしています。(写真中のトンミプーッコ以外は金やすりから)そして驚いたことに、私も彼も、同じメーカのヤスリを好んで材料にしていること!そんなこんなで話が盛り上がり、気がつけばほかの人も会話に参加・・・そして出てきた興味深い話>
I was interested in this maker since before the show. As I was expected, I really liked his work. Also, it was very interesting to find out that he is proudly using the old metal file as a material.
I know that the file is a good material, but have had the idea that, it is the material of choice for hobbyist and beginners. So seeing professional also chooses to use such material was really encouraging.

Markku Vilppolaこの人は、ガチの鍛冶屋です。そして、並べられている作品はどれもストライクゾーン。丁寧さとワイルドさを持ち、鍛冶屋臭プンプンの作品。特に目にとまったのがこのショートレウクというか大きなプーッコ。この微妙にレウクとプーッコの中間に入るようなデザインはとても好みですね。後、もう一つ注目してほしいのがヴァイキング調のウォーナイフ。そのうち挑戦してみたいお題です。
I think, the most interesting work for my eye was this large puukko or small leuku . it is little difficult to say, but you get the idea of its size. It is beautifully made and neatly filling the function difference of puukko and leuku. Also pay attention to the nice leather work and Viking war dagger.

To be continued...

and video...

2 件のコメント:

  1. Great stuff!

    Being a camp knife freak, I really like the large puukkos/small leukus from Vilppola. His knives look very useful and versatile, and of course well-made.

    The axes are great, too! Very interesting designs that I have not seen before.

    Thanks for showing these pics and vids from the show!


  2. I really wish I have had budget for the axe. it really is a good smith forged quality axes and is different.
