
Sorry guys... 申し訳ありませんが・・・

Thank you for everyone who has been commenting on my post. To make commenting convenient, I have had "word verification" OFF till now. but due to increasing mount of spams I am getting lately, I decided to activate the word verification on when commenting. This will be active temporally for let's say about 1 month. Then lets see those spammers will leave my blog alone....

I really am not happy to do this because I would like to keep my blog convenient for commenting and visiting. but I also would like to answer back to your comment promptly as possible. But the spam comments are really start to getting on my way to do such.

so I ask your understanding and cooperation on this issue.

Thank you!





2 件のコメント:

  1. You should install Disqus as a commenting system, it's hands down the best there is - free, convenient, no Spam.

    1. Hi, thank you for that tip. will consider that option for sure.
