I have been running this blog for few years now and since the beginning, I have been making posts in English and Japanese language. the reason was so I do not need to maintain 2 blogs for same posts. Also at the beginning, my contents had somewhat specific targets of audience depends on the topic I was covering. some are based on what Japanese readers' interest and some are for English readers'.
Lately, I started having more and more topics which are of interest of both. This has resoled in mixing language in same post and the story I would like to tell there are getting longer and longer.
So, to to fix the readability of each posts, I decided to split this blog into 2. one is only posted in Japanese, which is this old page and one for English contents, new URL: http://bushnblade-en.blogspot.fi/
I have copied all my old posts and comments to new English version page, so for old posts you still see the Japanese mixed. But all the new postings made from now on will only be written in English.
Hope this change will make your reading experience better, and please remember to update your bookmark!
The week 3 was little slow week. I say slow, but still there was lots of study works needed to be done.
Starting with flora and fauna study then we have had meadow clearing work then game bird counting on the end of week 3. the works was done using traditional tools like sickle and bill hooks. and the works was done to protect rear species of flora in he area.
It was my first time using tool like this and was very difficult tool to use. on the end of the day, my back was screaming...
The game counting was part of our navigation practice. need to navigate through forest as straight line as possible and hope to see some game birds takes off, so we can count the population. I took the first lead on first 2 km to navigate and happy to say, I managed to go very straight. When got to the first target spot, we are dead on.
Week 4 was a super busy week. basically we all cook as much different food as possible and eat them all!:) but of cause, it was guided by teacher and we have had wonder full guest instructor for this week. His name is Turkka Aaltonen. He is the most respected survival and wild food instructor in Finland There cant be any better instructor for this week's topic.
he is like wilderness encyclopedia and I had hard time keeping up to pick up all the knowledge he had to share with us. It was a most intense learning week and I lucky to spend as much time as I could to talk, ask, share of our knowledge.
We will have one more week with him in later time, and I am very much looking forward to it.
Week 4 started with how to process sheep.
Skinning. Everyone tries at least once.
Parting the sections. I managed to cut through ribs.
Surprisingly, not much blood.
Build a smoke tipi, using parachute.
Pork slices, hanged to smoke.
one of many ways learned to cook fish.
you probably have seen this style.
Learning to use Dutch oven.
Week 5, I will have some GPS lesson, FA1 causes, and the first test of Navigation. the test is part of becoming Guide, so wish me luck!
Week 1 at IWG was quite rush. getting familiar with school and surroundings, study and planning for the Forest week, which was on week 2.
One thing I promised to shear in here was the book for studying Floras and Faunas.
I have picked up 3 books from school library.
Wild Flowers (ISBN 0-7513-1024-7) Good clear detailed photos. not only Finnish flora, but contains all I need to study.
Trees of Britain & Northern Europe (ISBN 0-00-219213-6) Good illustration and has good mount of information you need to ID trees.
Mushrooms and Toadstools of Britain & Europe (ISBN 0-00-219994-7) This book covers all I want to ID. Color Photo is used and have good information, but detail of mushroom is not seen well on some, and quite many have common names are missing. Book is easy to use and small enough to carry in pocket or bag.
一週目のまとめビデオ(Video is only in JPN. I am talking about the summery of week 1 and pack contents for week 2 )
Then The week 2 was spent in forest. learning basic camp skill with open shelter, fire making, use of cutting tools. The school teaches traditional skill, so the policy is "NO Tent!". well, that is the reason I am happy attending this school :)
The major part of week was spent learning how to navigate on off the trail with map and compass. It was really lots to learn there and had good practice to better my navigation skill.
Have posted some videos from the camp. The first one is only in JPN but hope you enjoy! (second part has ENG sub!)