The weather was very much spring. Plus degrees, foggy/ sunny, but at night, the temperature has dropped somewhere -5 to -10 degrees centigrade.
The meeting took place in one of the public forest camping and trekking facility. Snowshoeing for about 2km from where we parked our cars. I was hauling about 5kg of shelter + sleeping equipment on the sledge, some are back packing. By the time I have reached the meeting location, few members who has arrived has already been digging snow to make space for the shelter…
週末にブッシュクラフトフィンランドの冬季オフ会に参加してきました。参加者は7人、私のブログでも紹介したことのあるサイトの管理人The Weekend Woodsmanの bmatt、Scandic WoodsmanのFinnmanそして , Perkeles’ blog のPerkunas も参加です。
Quite easy walk, but foggy day. ルートは歩きやすいが、霧が気になる |
Snow cleaning to make space for shelter. シェルター用の場所作り。雪、腰まであります。 |
Lunch break after enough of snow digging. 雪かき運動後は昼食タイム |
A nice day shelter. We are not allowed to sleep in here, unless you get chicken of cold or in emergency situation. 立派なキャビンが用意されてますが、非常時以外にこの中で一泊することは禁じられています。寒さに耐えられなくなった時の避難用です。 |
The BCFIN issue snowshoe?? BCFINの標準型スノーシュー? |
The shelters are up, some guys are going for a snow shelter. シェルター設営完了。数名はスノーシェルターで寝る予定。 |
no coment needed on this picture.. この写真、コメントいらないですよね・・・ |
Thanks Finnman and Perkunas for demonstrating the original Finnish stove. the wisdom of Finnish woodsman. FinnmanとPerkunasが |
And the sun goes down, night goes on… Fun time around the fire. 日がしずんでも焚き火の周りで楽しい夜は続きます。 |
Nice pics and meetup report. I only wish it lasted longer! :(
返信削除it lasted longer! >> same feeling.
返信削除I am now working on editing video. lets see if any left to show, because there are swearing all over the scenes:)